In the Commemoration of the 77th Year of Diplomatic Relations between the Philippines and Brazil, a tree-planting ceremony was conducted inside the Makiling Botanic Gardens. H.E. Ambassador Antonio José Maria de Souza e Silva, with his wife Madame Gisela Pinto Zincone, Deputy Chief of Mission Minister Sérgio Taam, Hon. José Víctor Chan Gonzaga (Assistant Secretary, Office of American Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs (TBC)), Dr. Theresa Mundita S. Lim (Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity), Vice Chancellor Rolando T. Bello (UPLB Vice Chancellor for Administration), and Prof. Arvin C. Diesmos participated in the tree planting ceremony. The ceremony was led by our Director Dr. Lerma SJ. Maldia, Deputy Director Prof. Juancho B. Balatibat, and MCME Staff. Dipterocarps species were planted in the assigned area for ACB tree-planting activities.

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