Germany Official Plants a Tree in Mt Makiling

German Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Mr. Hans-Joachim Fuchtel visited the Philippines. Part of his itinerary is to plant a tree at the Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG), Mount Makiling Forest Reserve (MMFR) – a biodiversity conservation area, and now an ASEAN Heritage …

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See how the World Changed

The Earth Engine created by scientist Rebecca Moore and her team enable global-scale data mining. Business Insider reports that the Earth Engine make trillions of scientific measurements available for users with analysis tools from Google. Products of this data mining are time lapse videos made from LandSat images.

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UPLB Welcome PARR Fellows

Two PARR Fellows will visit Mount Makiling for one month between 15 October until 15 November 2014. Mr. Md. Azizul Bari and Ms. Nurfashareena Muhamad are PhD candidates at National University of Malaysia and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, respectively. View their profile at Hosted by UPLB, the fellows will be …

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