Training on PES at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand

The Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), in collaboration with the ASEAN Center for Biodiversity (ACB) and the ECO-BEST project (Enhancing the Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia) recently conducted a short course training on Biodiversity Valuation and Payment for Ecosystem Services held at Khao …

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Mount Makiling Reopens

Mount Makiling sustained significant damage after typhoon Glenda passed through southern Luzon on July 16, 2014. On September 6, 2014 Mount Makiling trail reopens after extensive clearing operations. Trails leading to Flatrocks, Mudpsring, and Peak II have been cleared of debris and declared safe for visitors. Come revisit Mount Makiling!

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Makiling Botanic Gardens Reopens

On July 16th 2014, Glenda, a category 4 tropical cyclone with winds reaching more than 160 kilometers per hour made its landfall at the Bicol Region before heading northwest to the Luzon Island. So far in 2014, Glenda is the strongest typhoon to hit the country. Consquently, Glenda is one …

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The MMFR Stakeholders Advisory Council

Declaring their staunch support for the conservation of the Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve, stakeholders from various sectors sign a MOA with the University of the Philippines Los Baños for the creation of the Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve Stakeholders’ Council (MMFR-SAC). The MOA signing activity will be conducted at the Nicolas …

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