By: AALimpiada

A training for Educators for Nature Tourism was conducted last March 11, 2024 at the Toyota Environment Education Theatre (TEET) at the Makiling Botanic Gardens. These Educators for Nature Tourism (ENTs) are UPLB student that will serve as guides that will provide a short/long guided tour for visitors that will be booking guided tours. The guided tour includes discussion on information of what can be seen in the Mount Makiling Forest Reserve (MMFR) especially the Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG). For. Angela A. Limpiada facilitated the said training.
There are 26 UPLB students who attended the training. Most of the participants are taking Certificate in Forestry, Associate of Science in Forestry, and Bachelor of Science in Forestry students from the UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the UPLB College of Agriculture and Food Science, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from the UPLB College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology, and Bachelor of Science in Development Communication from the UPLB College of Development Communication, and four from the UPLB Graduate School taking Master of Science in Forestry and Master of Science in Natural Resources Conservation, and Master of Science in Wildlife Science.
Part of the training is a lecture on Interpretation about the MMFR specifically the MBG. It also included an exercise on how to develop a thematic outline of an interpretation program. The training was concluded by a demonstration of each participant. Each participant is given a 5-10 minutes to discuss any resource or attraction within MMFR to complete the whole training. The said training provides capacity building for students to enhance their communication and interpretation skills that can help them in their future work.
Photo by: Maria Jesusa E. Menorca, Jomar Guzman, and Joaquin Gabriel Gamido