Tuai is the Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG) Plant of the Month (POM) for March 2021. The “tuai” or scientifically known as Bischofia javanica Blume belongs to family Phyllanthaceae.
It is large tree with scaly reddish brown bark with leaves spirally arranged. Its flowers are greenish-yellow in color with fleshy globose drupe fruits.
The wood of tuai is used generally for construction purposes. Its bark when wounded exudes red color that can be used as dye. It is also used to stain rattan baskets. The young leaves of tuai are edible and is a potential source of long fibers for pulp and paper.
Come, visit and explore MBG soon and see it for yourself! Stay safe!
by: Angela A. Limpiada and Analyn C. Malayba