Refresher for MCME Nursery Seedling-Producers

A one-day training for all MCME Nursery staff entitled “Refresher on Seedling Propagation and Biological Management in Forest Nursery”  was conducted last May 30, 2024 and held at the Makiling Botanic Gardens Toyota Environment Education Theater (MBG TEET). It was participated by three (3) Nursery Supervisors and 11 Support Staff, …

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MCME is 2024 CFNR Outstanding Extension Team

By: LACastillo On 18 April 2024, the Makiling Center for Mountain Ecosystems (MCME), College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) was awarded the Outstanding Extension Team for the project entitled “Participatory Development through Community Based Natural Resources Management in Mount Makiling Forest Reserve …

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