Category: News
Anibong-Liitan is MBG’s Plant of the Month for December 2021

The Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG) Plant of the Month (POM) for December 2021 is the “Anibong-Liitan”, scientifically known as Oncosperma gracilipes Becc. Its name oncosperma comes from the Greek ‘oncos’, ‘humped’ or ‘swollen’, and ‘sperma’, ‘seed’, in reference to the broad raphe on the seed while gracilipes is derived from …
Implementing Protocols Inside the MMFR Under the New Normal

Hello Patrons… On November 22, 2021, Monday the Makiling Botanic Gardens and the Mariang Makiling Trail re-opens on a limited capacity. Please read our guidelines carefully and be guided to ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to Mount Makiling Forest Reserve. You may schedule your activities through this link: …
MMFR will be Closed to Visitors Starting December 24, 2021
Red Bamboo Ginger is MBG’s Plant of the Month for November 2021

The Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG) Plant of the Month (POM) for November 2021 is the “Red Bamboo Ginger”, scientifically known as Alpinia luteocarpa Elm. from the family Zingiberaceae. The genus Alpinia is named after Prospero Alpino, a 16th-century physician, and botanist. Luteocarpa, on the other hand, means yellow fruits. The plant …
Red Palm is MBG’s Plant of the Month for October 2021

The Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG) Plant of the Month (POM) for October 2021 is “Red Palm,” scientifically known as Cyrtostachys renda Blume from the family Arecaceae. The palm is native to Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Also known as Lipstick palm, the name is derived from the Greek prefix, cyrto meaning …