The Makiling Botanic Gardens (MBG) Plant of the Month (POM) for April 2024 is the Malakatmon, scientifically known as Dillenia luzoniensis (S.Vidal) Merr. from the family Dilleniaceae. The tree is endemic to the Philippines.
Malakatmon is an evergreen shrubby to small tree mostly found at low elevation forest areas along riverbanks. The wood is said to be hard and durable. It has large simple leaves spirally arranged with very prominent venation. Young leaves are reddish-brown, common to most Dillenia species. Its flowers are solitary at terminal racemes with yellow sepals, and numerous stamens with pinkish filaments while its fruits are pinkish with bright red seeds. Birds and bats usually eat Malakatmon seeds.
This tree is commonly used as an ornamental plant because of its shrubby characteristics. Its hardwood is used for making furniture while its leaves can be used as herbal medicine for treating fever.
You may also view a video showcasing Malakatmon via this link: https://youtu.be/rbKhCUqt-RY
By: AALimpiada and ACMalayba