The Rattlesnake orchid is a clump-forming epiphytic orchid with a single pleated leathery leaf attached to a pseudobulb. It commonly grows on trees and rocks in rainforest and to other humid sheltered places. Its flowers are cup-shaped hanging in two ranks along a wiry flowering stem usually cream or greenish- colored attached to a large papery bract at the base of each flower.
These orchids were found to have good antibacterial and antifungal properties and are commonly used as an ethnomedicine by traditional people from the Himalayan. The tuber of the Rattlesnake orchid can be extracted and used as a treatment for stomach and rheumatic pains.
To know more about this plant, please watch this video: https://youtu.be/TWBqpheZj2o
By: AALimpiada and ACMalayba